The following outlines our offering which can be tailored to your need:
Emergency Management Program Outsourcing
This program is designed to aid facilities in developing and maintaining an effective and compliant Emergency Management Program.
Preparedness Exercises
Golden's Exercise Development Team brings over 30 years of experience designing and conducting exercises across the commericial, Federal, State, and municipal venues. These services include tabletops through full-scale exercises.
Emergency Management Planning & Compliance Review
Golden has the full spectrum of resources to development, implement, evaluate or manage Emergency Management Plans to allow our teams to focus on their cores services.
Decontamination & Hazardous Material Training
Provide initial operations and refresher level courses that meets the requirements of “OSHA Best Practices for First Receivers” document.
Evacuation Program
This program provides a facility-specific evacuation plan, a unique approach in training of both leadership and frontline staff, and delivery of an exercise.
Active Shooter Prevention and Response
Active shooter incidents occur in facilities of all types and sizes, with dozens occurring every year within the United States. Prepare your staff to respond appropriately to mitigate risk to it's lowest possible level.
Golden Svcs, LLC works with our client's to tailor a protection solution to mitigate risk to its lowest possible level that fosters operational success. As an integral part of this process is to evaluate and develop plans, policies and procedures to manage people, processes and resources during an emergency incident.
Golden has successfully evaluated, developed, implemented, and managed Emergency Management Programs across a diverse clientele to include: commercial federal, state, and municipal programs. The result of this experience is that we developed and provide a focused set of Emergency Management and preparedness services that include: program in-sourcing and compliance, planning, training, and exercise offerings. Working closely with our partners/clients, we have adapted our services to ensure they keep pace with industry needs and have the flexibility, features, and economies of scale that clients seek. This is executed through our proven successful Plan, Do, Check and Act methodology
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